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12/14/15 6:56 PM

#241848 RE: sideeki #241847

There is an entire facebook page called Sandy Hook Hoax.

Quite possibly the sickest bunch of lowlifes I've ever seen.

Here's one teafreak's comment.

Florence Teisch
I know people that have a farm not too far from this school. They told me the school had been closed for awhile because it was in need of major they know this so-called event was STAGED. All these people were paid like actors to participate. All to get rid of our guns. Yes indeed...I believe it was a HOAX. Ask your President!

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12/14/15 9:54 PM

#241851 RE: sideeki #241847

Give Bernie a break. He is not that bad.
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12/20/15 6:58 AM

#241982 RE: sideeki #241847

Florida Man Arrested For Attempting To Break Into Jail

The suspect was allegedly high on flakka.
The holidays are a time to reconnect with old friends, but breaking into jail may not be the best way [ ] to do that.
Authorities in Indian River County, Florida, arrested a man Monday night after he allegedly tried to break into the county jail by ramming his car into the front door and then trying to climb a fence.
The suspect, 24-year-old Patrick Rempe, was arrested when he got tangled in the fence's razor wire, according to
Police said he told them he was high on the synthetic drug flakka and just wanted to "visit friends who were in the jail [ ]," according to WPBF TV.
Sheriff's department officials estimate the damage to be at least $5,000.
Even if Rempe managed to climb the fence [ ], he would have had to scale another fence, and then get through a locked door at the building where his friends were housed, reports.
Rempe is being held without bond which, ironically, gives him plenty of time to reconnect with old friends. [with embedded video report, and comments]


Jailed Virginia Man Charged With Bigamy After 2 Wives Pay Him A Visit

The suspect says he didn't realize he was committing a felony.
12/17/2015 [with comments]


Man Steals Butt Plug Because He's 'Embarrassed' To Buy It: Police

The man was released after posting a $500 bond -- $470.02 more than the cost of the sex toys he allegedly stole.
Christopher Masters, 33, was arrested Dec. 10 after a manager at a Spencer's Gifts store in Vero Beach, Florida, reported seeing him stick two sex toys down his khaki shorts [ ], according to The Smoking Gun.
The sex toys were described as an "Arouz'd screw butt plug [ ]," and an "Arouz'd stroker can [ ]," both typically used for masturbation.
The cost of both products: $29.98.
[...] [with comments]


Florida Man

Real-life stories of the world's worst superhero


from Sean DunnePRO
10 months ago
49:45 [with comments], [embedded/more at] [with comments]


Andrew D. Basiago: One Man in the Name of Truth
Andrew D. Basiago is a prominent figure in the Truth Movement.
For more than 10 years, he has shared with the American people the true facts of our great nation’s accomplishments in time travel and Mars visitation.
He has done so as one who served bravely in the two secret U.S. defense projects in which time travel on Earth and voyages to Mars were first undertaken.
As a result of his courageous advocacy as a crusading lawyer, Andy is credited with ending the time travel and Mars cover-ups by the US government on behalf of the American people.
This arduous work in the vineyards of the Truth Movement represented historic breakthroughs in America’s understanding of our past and our prospects for the future.
Today, Andrew D. Basiago is running for President of the United States with a New Agenda for a New America.
He has vowed that if elected President, he will lead the American people into a bold, new era of Truth, Reform, and Innovation as great as they are great.
Join us in supporting Andy in his quest to establish a Presidency as honest, just, and ingenious as the American people.
Andy 2016 – Now is the time!


Andrew D. Basiago - A Time For Truth 2016
Published on Sep 7, 2013 by MarsAnomalyResearchSociety [ / , ] [with comments]


Project Pegasus

Andrew D. Basiago


George Van Tassel 1964 Interview on Aliens, Ufo's and Time Travel
Published on Jun 15, 2014 by Joe Kiernan [ / , ]
Original air-date: June 18, 1964.
This recording is from the KVOS Channel 12 Films, Center for Pacific Northwest Studies, Western Washington University, Bellingham WA.
700 year old Nordics, Space Travel, Time travel (f =1/T), technology swap.
In 1952, over a week before the events of the 1952 Washington D.C. UFO incident George-Van-Tassel notified the US air force, Los Angeles Herald-Examiner and the Life (magazine) of the future events of the 1952 Washington D.C. UFO incident via registered letters.[6] This event was witnessed by thousands of people in and around the Washington D.C. area. It is one of the most publicized sightings to have ever taken place.
Author, inventor and controversial UFO advocate. Some agreed, some disagreed with his philosophy.
None found him boring. [with comments] [also, minus the last c. 6 minutes, at, and descriptive text taken from, (with comments)]


Time Traveler, Andrew Basiago at Gettysburg 1863 and 9/11 Was Known, 30 Years in Advance
Time Traveler, Andrew Basiago at Gettysburg 1863 Part 2
Published on Mar 20, 2012 by BackToConstitution [ / , ]
In 1971 DARPA was doing time travel and most of you don't believe it. So, you will hear an article about it and you will hear testimony from a 15 year old kid who saw Abraham Lincoln give the Gettysburg Address. He has grown up and now practices law in the state of Washington. His name is Andrew Basiago. Anyone who brings such startling news to you, is bound to receive harsh criticism, because this event opens up some extraordinary possibilities that you are not likely ready to accept. So, I'm not going to tell you about Viktor Grebennikov and his anti-gravity device, just yet. We'll save that one for later. Giving you a chance to digest this one, first, which is likely to give you indigestion or a heart attack, I bring you the news about the Pegasus Project and let you in on a big secret. Donald Rumsfeld (Ronald Dumbsfeld) knew about the 9/11 inside job, false flag terrorist attack, in 1971 and he did nothing to prevent it. There is a very good reason why he did nothing. He was in on it! Anyway, you all should know the truth. At the end of this video, you will hear Andy talking about his experiences with DARPA and the Pegasus Project. If you know how to use Google, you can find a lot more, too.
Andy finishes telling you the story of his time travel trip to 1863 to see Abraham Lincoln give the Gettysburg Address. He arrives in November, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania and has lost his hat, jacket, shoes and one sock in the time tunnel, so the throws away the other sock so he doesn't attract attention. Oh yeah, like being barefoot in November looks normal. He shivers all the way into town, meets John Lawrence Burns, a Gettysburg cobbler and gets fitted with a size 14 shoe. I remembered them as size 13. I don't know why. I wear a size 10 1/2 D and Andy is short than me, so maybe he wears a size 9 1/2 or so. Size 14 shoes must have looked like he's riding in a boat. Burns stuffed paper in the front, to make them fit better and Andy is spotted by two fresh chickies and they are laughing at him. I'd have been over there, like a fly on watermelon, talking sweet to the ladies of 1863. The chubby boy from 1972 runs into his Papa, instead and yells out, "Dad! What you are doing here in 1863 with me? Isn't time travel great?" His father, humiliated by the kid without any 'cool', says, "I'm not your father, kid. Now go away, you bother me!" Just joking! Anyway, you'll hear how it really went down. [with comments], [with comments]


Time Travel and Teleportation - Andy Basiago's disclosure interview
Published on Dec 3, 2013 by Ngati Kura Films [ / , ]
The most credible time travel and teleportation witness to date.
'Outside The Box' is giving you a taster of a new show with this extraordinary interview with CIA Project Pegasus participant Andrew D. Basiago.
Many have already heard of him. Those that have tried to debunk him, have had to admit that his evidence is too credible. His memory of even the smallest of details of his experiences, the whereabouts of where the experiments took place, names etc. is impressive.
It is disclosure time.
This show will continue to air on New Zealand Sky television in 2014. Repeat episodes will be uploaded onto youtube.
The show will look at what society would be like if Russell Brand's suggested revolution would take place. [with comments]


Andrew Basiago - Pegasus; Obama on Mars Time Travel!
Published on Feb 2, 2014 by Richard Bruce [ , ]
Do you think it is lawful and fair that the US government has a full base operation on Mars including aliens and humans, your taxes pay for it, and you know or benefit nothing from it? [with comments; two/both lectures, second begins at the c. 3:39:00 mark]


Andrew Basiago


Bill Hicks aka Alex Jones is a CIA Operative EXPOSED
Published on Dec 4, 2014 by Skid Davidson a Voice Crying in the Wilderness [ / , ]
Wake up from the Matrix of Lies and Deceit, People !!
Research the teeth people and take a long look into those eyes ...... it's Hicks allright. [with comments]


100% IRREFUTABLE PROOF /// Alex Jones = Bill Hicks
Published on Feb 4, 2015 by Cloud Smoke [ , ]
100% PROOF....
People deny it..
but... yeah... watch this video [with comments]


100% Proof Alex Jones Is Bill Hicks - A Ted Turner Time Warner Production
Published on Nov 6, 2015 by Russianvids [ , ] [with comments]


Published on Dec 19, 2015 by The Alex Jones Channel [ / , ]
Alex Jones goes off on the establishment controlled left media and reminds them of just who they're dealing with. [with comments]


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