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12/12/15 4:20 PM


Let's be clear, not every partner is able to join the Microsoft Cloud Alliance. Do you think they would allow Sphere to join if they felt their product only offered marginal benefits to Azure customers?Probably not. This is a land grab for MSFT and they clearly see ANY's technologies as means to achieve that. They are doing A LOT more with Sphere than just a typical partner. The share price is what it is at this point. A ramp in revenues will solve all issues which, in my opinion, we will see build throughout 2016.

From Microsoft...
"Transitioning legacy applications and storage infrastructures not designed for the cloud has become both complicated and expensive for the enterprise,” stated Chris Lwanga, principle PM manager, Microsoft. “Sphere 3D’s ‘next cloud’ solutions complement the capabilities of the Microsoft Azure ecosystem. Customers now have a compelling option for modernizing and mobilizing their existing infrastructure; and they can avoid rip-and-replace scenarios.”