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07/07/06 1:07 AM

#1578 RE: FL #1577

FL, your eloquence is a breath of fresh air.

Too often these boards are frequented by semi-literate buffoons that wouldn't know a comma from a tea bag.

You feel passionate about Glencar and I feel passionate about Etruscan. That is healthy. Enough said.
With good fortune, both companies will grow to be West African behemoths and some day we can argue about who should run the joint venture. Should it be called EtrusCar or GlenTruscan?

As for the 340 g/t & 475 g/t values, Etruscan also excluded a 27 oz/t value from their results!
I do not mean to provide "oneupmanship"; just showing that all companies can drill through cm scale concentrations.

{{{As Ed Monton correctly said, I was comparing the effects of the drilling announcements, not the total values of the companies.}}}
Then why, for heaven's sake, did you include market caps for both companies in your original statement? It is that which prompted my reply in the first place. ;-)

You are correct - if both companies had comparable drill results in just two holes, then the better leverage should be with the smaller company...for those two drill holes.
Thing is, there is so much more happening with EET.

{{{That's the drama of gold exploration. The big hit.}}}

{{{"EET is already a gold producer with the 100,000 oz/yr Samira Hill mine."
Sort of. It has a minority share and I think Semafo (SMF.TO) does the actual work at Samira Hill. But yes.}}}
A minority share?
Where do you get your facts FL?
Samira Hill is owned as follows:
Niger Govt. 20%
Semafo Gold 40%
Etruscan 40%

Etruscan discovered the play and worked it up. Semafo was brought in to finance and operate it (allowing EET to focus its attention elsewhere).
I owned SMF too and sold it for a healthy profit last year.

OK. Now that we have the "my thing is bigger than your thing" under wraps and our bets have been placed, let's let it ride and not make too much of the obviously inappropriate comparisons.

Good luck.