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12/09/15 9:15 PM

#100868 RE: ImjinBridger #100866

"Why is he hoping the competition will rapidly bring down their costs? "

its how lawyers express themselves when they are holding back on the truth...the truth is, kim KNOWS they are making rapid progress...


12/09/15 9:35 PM

#100874 RE: ImjinBridger #100866

I noticed that as well. I am not sure what it meant either, but it hope it is in reference to his intention to adopt that method of spider protein production once it becomes cost effective enough for him. Let the others do most of the initial testing and R&D using these systems, then pick it up himself and use the gene sequences that are already patented on a new chassis. Instant Dragon Silk proteins that can be made into a film, foam, mesh, or used in whatever other application that fibers could not be used in.


12/09/15 9:39 PM

#100876 RE: ImjinBridger #100866

That struck me as odd too. I am sure he did not mean that statement from the standpoint of competition. He wants to beat them like a Monster Silk rug.

If I wanted the competition to reduce costs, it would be so everyone would know true costs sooner. I would want to see the science furthered. Mostly I think he is being misleading. There is the lawyer thing where they are paid to be on your side....whether it is genuine is another story. A public defendant might think you are guilty as hell, but they are paid to defend you. They are assigned I believe, soooooooooo they are on your side. This isn't appears to be false hopes. I just don't think Kim is that nice, we are paying him to kick their asses.

It is hard to get a clear idea of who is winning when you are the one being forthright...because your science is beating up on them bad.

IOW's, cost facts from Spiber and BT are going to be a dream even after they are selling products. If I owned a private company, I put out bogus information to hurt the competition. We know how they have done this already. They can't go public until they first file with the SEC, so going public is a long way off. The games are way past begun.


12/09/15 11:31 PM

#100892 RE: ImjinBridger #100866

Why is he hoping the competition will rapidly bring down their costs?

Perhaps the more they see "increments of progress...."

The less time they'll have to concentrate on what KBLB is doing.

Blessings to All