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12/12/15 3:16 PM

#2004 RE: DewDiligence #2003

Well, to be frank, there's actually no clear evidence that he was "pushed" out. However, many think that the IPO, not achieving what we hoped, was the last straw. However, Perer French also brought the company out of the brink, so it's hard to say. Monday there is going to be a conference call, and hopefully a lot of our questions will be answered then. My belief is that they were already pushing for a US presence reflected in their management, and French has probably gone as far as he could. I don't see anything disturbing about his departure, and given the quick nature of this conference call, the change was probably already in the works well in advance of his departure. Monday will hopefully give clarity.


12/12/15 3:47 PM

#2005 RE: DewDiligence #2003

If you're in the US, yes, it is Tuesday. But it is for Monday, Australia time.


12/12/15 4:35 PM

#2007 RE: DewDiligence #2003

I must apologize. It reads Tues/Wed. So on Wednesday Australian time, Tuesday US time. My bad. The time and date change gets confusing, hey? Lol.