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first mike

12/10/15 12:03 AM

#100898 RE: Eskaminagaga #100846

I said:

Please look VERY CAREFULLY at your source for that bit of news.
You will hear many wonderful things about Spiber and Bolt from various sources, but upon inspection you will find that all of those sources are in fact the companies themselves or paid by the companies to make such statements. (with no disclaimers required because they are not publicly traded)

You replied:
"I have found multiple sources."
1) article from one of the organizations that gave them money
NOTE: The text of this article is taken directly from Spiber promotional materials. As I stated This is Spiber talking about Spiber.
"showing a picture of the new factory and giving details:"
Note: tye picture is of the outside of a featureless steel frame warehouse type building captioned "Prototype research equipment appearance"
the details are:"construction is underway, completion and operation prototyping research facilities (PROTOTYPING STUDIO ? 1 )"

2)[ ]
I don't read Japanese, and since this article is all pictoral it is untranslatable by machine, but the one graph of toughness that i see seems to show the Darwin's bark spider as the standard of comparison,
And 3 other much weaker fibers, the weakest of which is presumably Spiber's because they then show a marvelously curving arrow which seemingly claims that their fiber will be even stronger than the Darwin's bark fiber AT SOME UNSPECIFIED TIME IN THE FUTURE!

3) Bolt threads
Your reference is to your own post which Truth did not agree with.
Your quote is from the company which invested heavily in Refactored/ Bolt; not exactly a neutral party as they now need to find a "greater fool" to sell it to.
And how did they come to invest in Bolt?
"Sue Levin, who was one of our key market diligence resources for that round"
who now serves as Bolt Threads’ Chief Marketing Officer.
Hmm. conflict of interest and paid off insiders anyone?
And they then used some "actual samples" from Bolt to sell off to a bunch of new investors, Said samples now having been "Lost in a move" and no new ones being available.

I will stand by my opinions as expressed in my previous post and the top of this one!

Mike L.