"Is it alright with me that the SEC failed to enforce buy-in laws that could have resulted in hundreds of thousands of profit to me? Money that could be used to pay for such frivolous things as life-saving medical treatment?
Our government agencies represent nothing less than a clear and present danger to...our government, and to the individual citizens they govern."
This is just wrong - soooo wrong.
First, there is no evidence whatsoever of any large outstanding short position, NSS or real.
Second, you want the people who rightly identified SPNG as a total SCAM (which it was - and OBVIOUS scam) to PAY you for your being WRONG and buying into a scam created by Moskowitz and Metter. That's absurd and immoral. You want those who were RIGHT to bail you ~OUTT for being WRONG.
Third, the gubmint shut this SCAM down to protect others from getting defrauded by those SPNG shareholders who realized THEY were duped and wanted (want, apparently still) to DUMP their crappy decisions onto others - defrauding the newbies.
Gosh, your blaming of the gubmint is SOOOOOOOOOO wrong - in SOOOOOO many ways.
As for medical treatment, if somebody didn't FIRST buy medical insurance before blowing munny into pennyscams, I have zero empathy for them. That's beyond an irresponsible decision and falls into the realm of negligence -failing to fulfill a duty to attend to the basic medical coverage for oneself and one's dependants. Gambling on pennyscams should never be done, butt if one is gonna do it anyway, do it only with munny one should EXPECT to lose, because 99.99 percent of pennystock players will lose and most lose it all.
Because they buy OBVIOUS SCAMS like soap-infused sponge stories peddled by career, recidivist crooks like Mike Metter and S. Yehuda Moskowitz - whose history and pattern of lies, fraud, and criminality could have been easily found with just a little DD on Google.