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12/01/15 11:36 PM

#28059 RE: awesomesound #28057

The folks in the wheel chair should call Tweed or Bedrocan. They wouldn't even have to leave their homes and be out in the rain to get Access! Free Home Mail Delivery.

In case you haven't noticed, there Tonnes of tested and regulated, tax deductible, high thc discountable content cannabis , being produced across this country. Maybe you should give one a call.


12/01/15 11:45 PM

#28060 RE: awesomesound #28057

Tweed didn't send the RCMP, Grandma did. And Tweed doesn't want your license or your closet cannabis. Your beef is with the Law Bobby! Did you here Bruce is Lobbying for stronger Extracts! But he's doing it lawfully!

We all want the same thing buddy. Some folks are just going about it in a way that doesn't make the obstacles multiply unnecessarily.

Have you written to your MP today? No

But you've written to Ihub

Which one of these medians care about your opinion, and which one can actually make a difference?


12/02/15 12:23 AM

#28061 RE: awesomesound #28057

Someone needs to educate the disabled that LP's are mailing to there homes. I think it's pretty disgusting that this dispensary held back that information from them. Prolly was motivated by making profits off the disabled. Tweed has compassion pricing in addition to free shipping. Total fail on this dispensary for failing to educate.