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11/30/15 9:56 PM


I agree, if MSFT mentions Sphere in any way I will be pleasantly surprised as I am expecting NADA/zip/zero. I will be happy to see any sort of MSFT announcement mentioning Sphere in whatever shape or form at this point.

All that we have heard in the last day or so regarding G Series Cloud IMO has reached an audience next to nil except for us longs. Still waiting for the sizzle from MSFT to show they are truly excited about Exosphere/G Series/SnapCloud/any other connection to Sphere.

At this time, I am banking more on GW receiving great tech guru reviews/customer reviews/customer acceptance of GW/Exosphere to get the word out regarding Glassware and the full platform available thru Sphere. I do not believe any Sphere PR can do this, not enough audience, has to be a major push by MSFT. To date zip on that factor, but maybe Dec is the official launch of some publicity for our products. Fingers crossed. I do believe the worldwide MSFT sales force will be pushing Sphere products hard - they would be fools not to as it should be very easy sales and pad their commissions nicely.

I also don't expect any word from HP at their mtg in London this week regarding Sphere, only that they are working hand in glove with MSFT. We aren't big enough yet, I guess, to warrant any promotion.

Do believe, though, that the publicity train has finally left the station and, though barely moving at this time, momentum will pick up considerably thru December and come 2016 we should be seeing some exciting news with technical/commercial acceptance of the entire Sphere GW2.0 platform.

Still as worried as everyone else with the precarious position we are in regarding financing, hope we get a nice result but realize it hasn't been all roses to date so have to accept there is a risk we get another rinky dink financing deal, but overall still as excited as ever for 2016.

Increased my position this week, finally got to take advantage of the great pricing opportunity at the current time, and expect that in the long run it will be a case of grabbing the golden ring.