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11/30/15 3:58 PM

#460 RE: esther5774 #459

So, no specifics in there other than that Hanbali expects to increase PV production capacity from 100MW to 200MW to meet demand next year. If we take the mid-point of that, 150MW, that's just under a million m2 of PV glass. I guess we've seen those numbers before (and 2015 projections haven't budged from 50k sqm either), so nothing "new" here really, except a new line in the sand regarding timing and a little more detail on the types of projects in the pipeline.

Still hoping for a much broader uptake of this unique offering in the PV/BIPV space, in the form of a supplier agreement to a few large solar OEMs or installers. Maybe next year? Stock seems stuck on zero volume and is likely to stay there until there is a sign of imminent revenue and certain growth.