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Elmer Phud

11/29/15 7:04 PM

#143189 RE: Professor MD #143187


Intel doesn't need to pay European socialist wages after the way they were treated there and the same goes for NY. AMD's fabs are not state of the art and IBM's certainly aren't(if they ever were). Why bail out the ones that trumped up false charges and fined Intel $1.5B without even a trial where Intel could defend itself? Let GLF wallow in it's own ineptness.


11/30/15 10:19 AM

#143192 RE: Professor MD #143187

Intel need protection from anti monopolists in the European Union and even at the USA.
Employing large number of “worker” is an antidote.

1) Intel is a public company responsible to enhancing its value for
its shareholders, not a private welfare system.
2) Doing as you suggested will not protect Intel from future money
grabs by greedy government agencies in cash strapped regions. It
just guarantees higher overhead and lower profits. INTC share price
would drop with such signs of obvious insanity by Intel management.

I really don't know where you get these crazy ideas about Intel
owing anything to poorly run has-been competitors like GF. Why
don't you shed tears about past Intel road-kill like TI, Motorola,
DEC, Cyrix, Transmeta etc?