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12/01/15 12:02 PM

#12942 RE: DISCHINO #12941

One positive thought to keep in mind, like Dischino has mentioned numerous times, we have patents, that means a lot, also, we are already ahead of the competition being that this product is being distributed for free so as to get as much exposure as possible, if the company can just outlive the competition by continuing then we have the upper hand.

I won't lie to you, this is a tough market with so many new apps coming out all the time but most people by nature are typically lazy, if they get an app for free and begin using it the chances are higher that many of them will continue to use it once there is a fee involved just so that they don't have to learn or setup a new app/software.

I leave you with this tidbit. I once worked for a startup that had a great idea and patents ahead of all others but they did not have the backing to continue until the product was main stream and now they are gone but others have followed in their footsteps and made lots of money at it. Whether good or bad, Day has a plan, if he has to continue to back the company from his day job and continue to perform reverse splits to keep the product alive then that's all the company needs to beat out most competitors.

I've personally accepted a long time ago that this may just eventually be a tax write off so for now I'm paying less attention to what's going on daily and hope for the best in the end but if things go bad in the end I'm prepared for the loss.

Anywho, time will tell, sit back, relax, play with some other stocks and let's see who fairs the best in this market. There is no question that this type of product is a necessary evil and with more and more children getting cell phones the market will be there for quite some time. In the end, I'm in it for the safety of the children and if I make a few bucks great but bottom line is that this or products like it need to be out there to product our kids and us. If Day eventually throws in the towl he can still sell the patents to companies that have the resources to use them which will result in the same, the safety of our children and us.