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11/26/15 8:28 PM

#173916 RE: Hike #173915

5 states require insurance to cover abuse deterrent opioids (ADO). New Jersey could be the 6th.

1) Colorado
2) Utah
3) Massachusetts
4) Maryland
5) Maine

In the battle against prescription opioid addiction, an abuse-deterrent solution | Opinion

Chronic pain now impacts more Americans than cancer and heart disease combined. Yet there have been unintended consequences of trying to effectively treat the pain.

Annually, there are more than 18,000 deaths attributed to prescription drug use in the United States alone.

What if researchers could develop a pill that has additional safeguards to prevent prescription pain medication abuse, while also recognizing the need to help those suffering from chronic pain? I believe they are one step closer, in the form of abuse-deterrent opioid pills, or ADOs.

In order to effectively manage pain and minimize the risk of abuse and diversion, a comprehensive strategy is necessary. Doctors can no longer "just say no" to prescribing opiates to patients suffering with severe uncontrolled pain.

ADOs are one new aspect of this comprehensive approach to solving the complicated prescription drug abuse problem.

However, Narcan only helps reverse the lethal effects of an opiate. It does not keep addicts from crushing their pills, injecting prescription drugs or selling their medications.

The FDA has taken action to help stem abuse of opioid pain medication around the country by calling on drug makers to use ADOs when manufacturing opioid painkillers.

ADOs preserve the beneficial pain relief element of the medication but deter misuse and abuse by making the medication extremely difficult to crush, snort or inject.

ADOs have already received national support from the Office of National Drug Control Policy, members of Congress, the National Association of Attorneys General and the Partnership for Drug-Free Kids.

Pharmacists could also breathe a little easier if the No. 1 item criminals target won't be able to produce the high they're seeking.

Let's not wait for others to take the lead on an epidemic destroying lives across the country.

I urge the senate to make passing S-3036 this year a top priority, following the assembly's lead to provide wide access to another weapon in our ongoing fight to curb opioid addiction in New Jersey.