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11/25/15 11:23 AM

#243672 RE: nuke661 #243670


Sorry I'll keep trying


11/25/15 11:57 AM

#243677 RE: nuke661 #243670

Sorry nuke, finding everything BUT the transcript!!EOM


11/25/15 12:38 PM

#243679 RE: nuke661 #243670

But before I get to that I'd like to ask anyone if they have a transcript of the 2014 annual shareholders meeting.

I got a recorded audio file (1h 6' long)... I wouldnt mind to send it to some email address you give me


11/25/15 12:44 PM

#243680 RE: nuke661 #243670

Well, I've given up trying to find the 2014 ASM transcript so I'll get back to what I was originally going to discuss. Steve King said to a shareholder(s) during the 2014 ASM (after the official program presentation was over) that he expected the 2nd look-in to occur by the end of 2015. Now, more recently, SK is saying he doesn't expect 2nd lookin until mid 2016. All along SK has been saying enrollment is on track, therefore assuming SK hasn't been BS'ing us on the enrollment, the movement of the expected 2nd look-in from expected end of 2015 (back in October of 2014) to mid 2016 (stated in this years ASM) should mean the trial is going much better than expected. I believe this assessment will be greatly bolstered if we indeed get an enrollment complete before the end of this year; which provides validation of SK being honest on how enrollment has been proceeding.