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11/25/15 11:29 AM

#60187 RE: roadtoad256 #60186

You make some good points Rt256. I personally cannot account for every $ spent but the Q's & K's might help there and the company has been around for a few years now so money that came in had to be spent somewhere. Some, unfortunately, for payinrg late fees and according to some posts this morning we could be in for another round of that. I agree with you on solid progress. There have been attempts but with the exception of Hulu there have been no concrete money producing projects coming down to the bottom line. There is no doubt about it. The only promising aspect of this investment in my eyes is the future. The price of this stock reflects the sad situations and disappointments of the past. The only reason I am in it is I am placing a BET on the future. Let us face it ----Who in the world would even go near this highly speculative gamble on its past record? I do disagree with you on your calling this a "scam" because if it was IMO he could have walked away
long ago. I do not like many things that have happened, yes, I will agree to that. The toxics bothered me as much as they seem to have bothered you. Other actions have bothered me, late filings , over promising and under delivering, the JNH situation, the disappointments of TRU not going off, the late disclosure of the problem with getting ads for the recent TRU and probably there are others that you can add. They all also bother ME. I do not know if you own shares or care to know but I am a stockholder and the only reason I am and will continue to be is I am Betting on the Future. At this level in price one has to be Betting on the Potential. Those that are placing Bets now have to realize they can lose ALL of their money. This is no stock for food on the table money or even for those that have big credit card debt or those that have mortgage payments to make. IMO it is strictly for Las Vegas money. All this said rt256, there are too many other reputable people involved for me to believe that what you contend is true. In any event ,you are entitled to your opinion and the only thing I can say is that I hope you are mistaken Have a Happy Thanksgiving. Tlsmd