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11/25/15 7:10 PM

#13663 RE: Bx3 #13660

Thank Bx3, you really know how to prove I am again right.

Of course you have close to a half million in taxes but what have you made? Three to four million dollars made. Now let’s look at history in the cases of Steve Jobs or Bill Gates. After making hefty profits they both re-invested money in their companies and what happened?

Let’s look at it in another way without the money? Mr. Cully buys 10 million shares and makes a profit four million after taxes. He makes a PR to investors …..
“I just made $4000000 after taxes. After taking out my original investment I am self financing testing on Sickle Cell with some of my cash up front to accelerate testing to bring a cure to this crippling disease of children once and for all.”

Now do you think shareholders will bash Mr. Culley as you are? Do you think because of pure leadership 1000’s of other potential investors will jump on board? How could anyone in their right mind be negative about seeking to find a cure as you have been?

Yes BX3-cpo there have been those that have followed the wisdom as suggestions you have made. You basically stated Apple or Enron? I Bx3 choose Enron every day.