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11/24/15 6:39 PM

#51455 RE: drugmanrx #51454

If Jim announced a manufacturing partner tomorrow... Some here would erect statues of him. The cell IS real... But it's like introducing a cell phone in 1933... Nobody can adapt a manufacturing line to bring it to fruition.. But like Carl said (love your posts, dude).. In time, circumstances will play out. Jim NEVER created this company to be an installation beast. It was always the cell.. But life and reality got in the way and Jim did a spectacular job of shifting gears. He could have folded the tent and and called it a career... But the dude is really business savvy.. This gem is steadily climbing and at some point in the not too distant future, it'll all come together and we'll be lke Tom Hanks in Castaway.. Look at where you been cuz we'll see pennyland antics no more.. I've been here since spring 2012.. Passed on $100's of thousands of day trade money... Just not my style... Hold for the gold.. Our day is coming..
Happy Thanksgiving all.. The cell is still on the forefront of Jim's mind..


11/24/15 6:47 PM

#51456 RE: drugmanrx #51454

So please look at the complete history, not just the missed milestones. It's your failure to look at what has been accomplished despite the missed milestones, that maybe not talking about the cell is part of a strategy he would prefer not to reveal at this time for competitive reasons, that technological development, product development, product launches and creating vendor/manufacturing relationships are not perfect processes and encounter starts, stops and delays for many, many reasons. If you want to make more money in a short period of time I'm sure there are other stocks out there that might be better for you. For me, I like my 800% return in SLTD so far. I don't see any reason to not be long now. Don't be bitter, your posts were much better when they had a broader perspective.