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11/24/15 5:05 PM

#122124 RE: mwab52 #122123

There is still no HESG short interest. It's more than a wee bit difficult to short a no-bid sub-penny pink sheet stock - pink sheets are not being significantly shorted. The financial requirements alone prevents shorting OTC stocks - to short 10 million shares of HESG would require $25,000,000 in what is called Maintenance Margin as well as at least 102% of the principal in what is called Supplemental margin. That's why position size in the OTC is insignificant, not to mention limited share availability to borrow in the first place. Lastly, The broker reserves the right to pull the position at anytime, gains are capped to 99% BUT losses can be infinite. Now think about it, someone would put up that sort of cash for a maximum gain of a few thousand dollars profit?

However if you have verifiable documentation showing otherwise, please do post it - I'm sure everyone would love to see it. We'll be waiting.