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11/23/15 4:30 PM

#143139 RE: ibc #143138

Intel Hire of Renduchintala Touches All Parts of the Biz, Says Sterne Agee CRT

Intel IR was able to clarify the role Dr. Venkata ‘Murthy’ Renduchintala will have at Intel will be as president of a newly created Client and Internet of Things (IoT) Businesses and Systems Architecture Group. He will be responsible for a wide range of activities that develop core platforms used across business units, as well as responsibilities that deliver solutions to vertical business that will be his direct reports. His role, while different, will resemble the role of head of Architecture Group last held by Dadi Pulmutter, a role that has been vacant since Feb 2014. Dr. Renduchintala’s new organization will bring together Intel’s Platform Engineering, Client Computing, IoT, Software and Services, and EPS Design & Technology Solutions groups. Yes, this list of organizations touches almost every business unit at Intel as they work to build better mobile SoC and connectivity leadership.

Andy Grave

11/23/15 5:15 PM

#143140 RE: ibc #143138

If this guy ran QCT as its president, then he's probably a fairly good manager given QCOM's success in mobile SOCs. kept the good guy.....Intel got the retread. QCOM did miss Apple's move to 64 bit.........tried to recover with the 810.....but only now with the 820 are they back in the game.......of course, incredibly enough, Intel missed the mobile revolution all maybe this guy can teach them a thing or two. When Intel fanbois see Intel's retreat from mobile as a "shrewd" development, how could things get worse?