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Old Tymer

11/22/15 2:30 PM

#32434 RE: Ducati74 #32389

Here is some info on Shamrock Slam...

First of all, for those who aren't aware, this is not a new product. This came out in 2014:

The date of the article is January 13th, 2014.

They did file for the Trademark "Shamrock Slam." The filer is a company called 'Jugular, Inc." out of Huntington Beach, Ca. The only problem is that the attempt at a trademark is classified as "Dead."

Jugular, Inc. is still active with the SOS site.

The company is located in a residential area, so most likely run out of a house, so they are probably not drowning in money. In fact, they had to go the 'crowdfunding' route.,-117.9979564,3a,75y,71.4h,90t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sunxyDjNIgNpVBhuWkSA_kw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0x990252d009faa523!6m1!1e1

They filed for a trademark on July 5th, 2013. The product was launched in around March 14th, 2014 (They also launched a crowdfunding attempt):

"I am actually the owner on the largest AMATUER MMA League. That’s Fighter Source. We had eight teams last year; we have sixteen teams this year. We are looking forward to some big things happening in 2015. We also have a crowdfunding site for the Shamrock Slam Drink right now. We launched it this week. We are looking for some huge success. It’s a great drink for fighters."

The Trademark went 'Dead' on March 2nd, 2015.

I'm assuming the product didn't sell, so instead of wasting any more time and money on it, they let the Trademark expire.

And now they want to resurrect it? Why? It didn't sell the first time. What makes them think the 2nd time is the charm? Personally, I have never seen Shamrock Slam in any store. Has anyone ever seen this in a store?

It must be a pretty bad drink, because if you Google Shamrock Slam energy drink, there is almost no info on it; no sales, no reviews, nothing. Just the fact that the drink is going on sale.

Here is the Whois listing for Expiration date is 2017:

However, this site says the website may be for sale:

Probably taking offers.