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11/19/15 9:21 PM

#159756 RE: Kool Aid Man #159741

10 things we didn't know about Kent Linduff:

1) in third grade he scored a 60% on a spelling test
2) once he took two minutes to say bless you after someone sneezed
3) when making a left hand turn he forgot to put his blinker on
4) once he forgot to put down the toilet seat
5) in 10th grade he once he answered the teacher without saying yes ma'am
6) once Kent brushed his teeth and forgot the toothpaste
7) while making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, Kent used the same knife for both
8) Kent once shut his computer off without closing all the programs
9) Kent once used all the toilet paper and didn't replace the roll
10) Kent once used all the cereal and put the empty box back on the shelf