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im a survivor

07/03/06 11:51 AM

#12503 RE: elazard0 #12496

I am beginning to see the picture a little clearer.

I think it is obvious these 'bashers' likely bought very high, likely bought ALOT and very likely lost a TON.

When that occurs, most do NOT want to see a stock they got creamed on go UP, so they spend 24/7 bashing because they cant stand to see their own huge losses on a stock that eventually goes up or makes other people money.

The 24/7 'beef' these guys carry for PLNI and only PLNI, when there are thousands of shady penny stocks they dont care about, pretty much proves that these people lost their rear end and their agenda is to now bash non stop.

To be honest, PLNI does have alot of question marks right now...but ya know what..there are stocks that have much bigger question marks then plni that are pulling off some incredible SCAMS......far worse then anything PLNI has done.....and I could make a LONG list......isnt it funny how they dont care about newbies buying other 'iffy' penny stocks and they only care about PLNI 24/7?? I dont think it is funny...I think it simply makes it obvious that this 'group' lost a TON of money and is now PO'd, so they bash non stop....

The picture is alot clearer now...captn and his buddues bought extremely high and rode it all the way down and sold for HUGE losses...notice how he keeps mentioning PLNI's all time high and where it is now....him and his clan went long back then when it was that high.....Rode it down, took HUGE losses, and now they are simply PO'd, hence their actions....

and if they DENY this, then it is obvious I am and see.....we will see a reply stating I, we, or whoever will lose more on plni then he will lose on anything in his entire life...oh wait, we have already seen that lame if he has any clue what others make or lose or what he will make or lose for his entire life!! LMAO..But watch and see...if he denies he lost HUGE on this and keeps claiming the same BS he is claiming, then it is obvious he lost his rear end on plni, and that is why he is obssesed with bashing it, but not other companies, 24/ and see folks..the more he posts, the larger his losses were....and since he posts 24/7 about PLNI and and not other shady penny stocks, I think it is clear his losses and the losses of his clan, were probably quite large on PLNI