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11/18/15 7:44 PM


...yeah...But you leave out one important fact. What you describe is the case when the market "Knows" of the IP and see's it work...the problem is that until now, it's all been conceptual (while SH believed the product was ready to market a year ago).

...the product is only NOW coming to market and it is only NOW that "PROOF OF CONCEPT" can be demonstrated. is very understandable why it is at sub $2.00. Shame on us for not challenging and pressing management and analysts to come clean on the time-line on the development and delivery of a viable commercial product.

It appears that if MSFT did not come along...there would have been no hope at this time for any significant revenue build to meet the company's needs in the next 6-9 months. Even with POC and contracts in Edu and Novarad...with 3 year revenue build, IMHO ANY would have not have the chance of generating enough revenue to sustain itself. "Stealth" was BS. It was code for "we are in the process of building a commercially viable product for Azure ... and need time to do it before getting discovered we are not there yet".

Proof of Concept to the tech market is just starting. The company is only now ready to be discovered.

SP will go through Tax Selling...Shareholders will book losses. IMHO...then SP should then recover, if proper marketing and dissemination of IP (POC) is done by management.


11/18/15 8:45 PM


Agreed, something seems seriously wrong with this picture.