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07/02/06 5:00 PM


LOL! and yours has been a constant bash, barrybeli! every single post harping on the pumpers. they left the door open for you and now you're going to run with it for all you're worth. HOPE YOU GET SOME CHEAPIES!! will you at least acknowledge you've never mentioned anything good about XKEM? will you admit, even if the pumpers are off base, that there's a reasonable valuation for XKEM far above its current pps?

to those bullish on XKEM i ask: is the stock fairly valued? not by a long shot, but again, i would urge all longs to stop listening to both the pumpers and the bashers. WE KNOW nothing is as bad as the bashers would like us to believe, and YET, clearly the pumpers have been blowing things out of proportion, too.

i mentioned a while ago that this huge event may be all about nigeria's desire to develop a biotech industry. i said it may not be the "XKEM show" so many investors have wanted. no one responded to my message. i said i thought XKEM could still make a great deal of money without nigeria's politicians spreading XKEM's name around the globe.

does anyone understand the political ramifications of what's going on now in nigeria? when nicosan was first causing a stir back in 2003 many nigerians were pissed off because they thought the government had sold them out, given XKEM a free ride. after all, nicosan was developed by nigerian scientists. XKEM has an agreement to market nicosan for them. i think it's safe to say XKEM's relationship with nigeria is far better than the US and european oil companies who have a long history of exploitation in that country. however, to the average nigerian, XKEM may be equated with so many other first-world corporations, who go to nigeria seeking solely their own gains at the expense of the locals.

if XKEM were to start pumping the hell out of this event, using it ONLY to sell their product, would this encourage solid relations between XKEM and their nigerian hosts? hardly. but this is the stuff pumpers never want to talk about. i think if more longs knew about it, and felt comfortable discussing it, we'd have a much stronger stock... and the pps wouldn't fluctuate so easily.

in my opinion XKEM is faced with having to make money as a struggling company, in a real world situation, that puts them in a collaborative effort with others who want to (and very much deserve to) share in the profits. what's wrong with this?

here's my feeling for where we stand now, manipulated up and down by all the various interests: after all the BS has settled, what about a middle way? let's say the stock won't skyrocket to a buck a share in days or weeks? what about .25? who wouldn't be happy with that. would you hold on to your shares now if you knew they would soon be worth 4X what you paid for them? what about doubling your money at .14? good enough? is this reasonable, for a company sitting on a $500M market? then sit tight, don't listen to the doomsayers or those idiots forecasting insane, unrealistic overnight gains, and quietly make some money.


07/02/06 5:10 PM


Barri, I went on google and I found atleast one international SCD day.......why cant you?????????? Or are you just here to bash the stock?,Are you tryingto dump thestock so that you can buy in and begin pumping???


07/02/06 5:43 PM


You are full of crap. Instead of doing som DD on your own, you bash ours. Why don't you call Burg yourself and ask him? You don't have the dollar it would costs for the call? Everyone else who has had doubts, has called him. This is how they know we are being honest and your are a liar. It is little POS like you that show up out of nowhere, and post nothing but bashing posts, that people need to be afraid of.

You must lead some miserable lonely life. I realy feel sorry for you and your kind. Nothing but a BIG loser.