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11/17/15 7:45 AM

#18867 RE: dkl165 #18861

Now dkl, your not normaly the type to get butt hurt. Your better than that. And if it across that I was saying you dont have aby common sence then I apologize. I was implying that your not using common sence.

But thank you for thinking so much of me that you respond.

Anyway... I find it helariouse that Ive admitted over and over that my spelling sucks, especialy when Im typing on the fly and you all still try to hit me with that thinking it bothers me or something. Really, you all need to find a better way to come at me.

Ok, so what? My spelling needs work. You can spell better... or more likely not but you use spell check. So what. I can put a round through a fleas ass at 1000 meters. Bet you would fail misserably at that.

I also find it helarious that you stairman and nmills among others pick on my spelling ...but have you ever went back and read some of your posts? You ALLLLL have gramar and spelling errors.