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11/16/15 4:29 PM

#320893 RE: big-yank #320891

Fact is Ackman turned his $40k earned at his dad's mortgage brokerage while at HBS doing his MBA studies into $2B plus in 20 yrs, rest is noise, I don't waste in reading some of the posts here, my focus is on the bigger picture n the progress made each day on legal front......
In 5 yrs FnF will be worth half a $T(35000 ft pic)


11/16/15 8:28 PM

#320903 RE: big-yank #320891

<Winner? Perry and Berko. Hate to admit it.>

unfortunately berko bought after 3rd amend and has guts to invalidate the 3rd? what an irony.

where were you when fannie and freddie needed you in 2008? now expecting a windfall when they have recovered? shame on you.

it is against humanity that you are seeking a windfall from government for your preferred shares whereas millions of civilians are without food and water and rely on food stamps and have no roof over them.

who told you to buy when you know these two investment are dead? your investment in preferred will never materialize as government has a duty to conserve and no dividends will be paid.

if you are rooting for receivership, that will never happen and not patriotic to wish so as these two are too important to our country. may be you don't live in united states and don’t care than your wallet and expecting a windfall.


11/17/15 10:53 AM

#320931 RE: big-yank #320891

or if you prefer the newer cover