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11/16/15 11:07 AM

#70002 RE: RookieStockPicker #70001

Ton of buying at .001 yet VFIN doesn't budge. Hmmmmmm


11/18/15 10:43 AM

#70004 RE: RookieStockPicker #70001

I think the crew is moving on to 800. Possibly reverse merging something in soon IMO


11/20/15 9:08 PM

#70007 RE: RookieStockPicker #70001

ridiculous....FINRA didn't block anything!!! Not when it was mediswipe trading on pr's and loi's and not when it was agtk, mount blunt with an ETHG chaser. These fools and their antics Friedman/Hollander have been well documented for years RIGHT HERE and there was nothing but poor decisions and their manipulation that got you .....finra didn't block anything that is just complete BS! this stock is completely done there is no entity that will allow anyone to recoup here or at the dividend which was never anything but a decoy, even all blowhards there that tried so hard for so long to pump have moved on....the pumpers here should do the same.


11/20/15 9:30 PM

#70008 RE: RookieStockPicker #70001

As drake would say "u used to call me on my cell phone"

U gonna give Mf that hotline bling??