<<With receipt of payment supposedly due by the end of the month, the question is... why would someone be doing such a thing?>>
IsaacIronridge, the payment monies are due today.
Where is it?
If those payment monies were received, would not the stock price go up and the bids start to come in instead of stay at only 38 cents bid with an ask of 44 cents?
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<<On May 13, 2015, AMG Energy entered into a series of agreements with various unrelated third parties, wherein AMG Energy sublicensed the CTS technology to Naldogen (Pty) Ltd., an existing South African company, which will be renamed Carbolosic Energy SA PTY LTD (“Carbolosic SA”). Carbolosic SA shall be solely devoted to exploitation of the CTS technology in South Africa, Lesotho, Swaziland and Botswana and the term of the sublicense is coterminous with the master license (i.e. through July 1, 2032). The consideration for the grant of the sublicense is $25,000,000 (“License Fee”), which must be paid or guaranteed within six (6) months of the date of the agreement. In addition to the license fee, the sublicense holder will pay AMG Energy a royalty of 3.5% of the revenues on the first CTS plant developed and a 5.0% royalty on the revenues of additional plants developed. Until the $25,000,000 payment has been received, the Company does not consider all of the events required under the agreement to have been completed. Therefore the Company has not recorded and of the fee in the accompanying financial statements.>>