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11/13/15 1:46 PM

#16169 RE: gnolfinvestor #16167

management estimated $3-5 BILLION

Really? Doesn't the SEC frown on publicly traded companies throwing out dollar valuations on ore in the ground, without benefit of a feasibility study?

Of course, that was a radio show, with nothing in writing. So, they should be safe from prosecution from those fraudulent statements. Too bad some investors fell for it though.
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11/13/15 1:52 PM

#16172 RE: gnolfinvestor #16167

Please link to a statement by management in writing to the effect that they believe there are billions worth of minerals in the ground. The SEC would find that very interesting indeed.

Especially as you cannot "extrapolate" results over large areas, based on drilling of a vein system. That is not only fraudulent but very poor science.

What member of management did the interview? Now you have my curiosity up....
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11/13/15 1:55 PM

#16173 RE: gnolfinvestor #16167

---In a radio interview several years back, management estimated $3-5 BILLION--- Is that the same management you are now calling crooks? Just