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11/12/15 6:10 PM

#51184 RE: RV-8 Pilot #51183

Guidance doesn't include Elite, even though if completed by Dec 1, one month of Elite books will become our own.

So far we have: 36.393M through Q3.
Annual forecast for Rev just updated to 48-52 mil.

Q4 new estimate= 11.607 to 15.67m

Given the old estimate was 40-45, and the new estimate lower end is 48, I'm stoked if this comes in at 48.1 for the year (11.7 for Q4) without Elite.

Elite is supposed to "approach" 20 mil for 2015, about 5 mil per Q. Weighted towards Q2, lets also guess 3 mil for Q4 which translates roughly 1 mi for the final month of the year to add to our total revenue. So about 13 mil for Q4 for SLTD.

2014 SLTD Q4 was 5.2 mil, so YOY Q4 will be over 100% increase even if the simply meet the 11.6 low end revenue estimate.

As for Earnings, this last Q netted 1.4mil from 19mil rev. About 7%.
Total ballpark here, but lets say even if the revs are 11m, and with that large reduction we get back down to a 2% net profit, that still leaves 220K profit, well above the 123K needed to net the year positive for earnings. My estimate is that we are pretty close to this on the positive side.

In other words, Neslon's nailing it.

This company just keeps getting bigger and better....

Is there even a single publicly traded pure installer that breaks even out there right now? Not to mention one of this size now (micro but fast becoming a small cap) ? So 2016, we know the incentive will still be there, so margins shouldn't decrease...however the threat of the elimination of incentive could dramatically increase top and bottom lines for 2016...major profits.
