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11/12/15 11:45 AM

#445 RE: littlbyrdy #444

For some reason Telkonet doesn't seem able to grow as they should in this space. Their results are 'lumpy' which gives us hope in a good quarter that they finally are on the gravy train, but then they have a not-so-good quarter. YTD growth just isn't there, and hasn't been very strong in the 3 years I've been watching them despite all of the expectations, parterships, etc..

I almost bought back in around .20 but didn't, so missed the rise there, but I continue to be a watcher.

I wish you guys well here. Littlebyrdy, you have your finger on the pulse as good as any here, it seems. What are your thoughts about when this breakout that always seems imminent, will really happen? Or, are their competitors growing faster for a very logical reason that is not being addressed and if so what is that reason?