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11/11/15 4:25 PM

#320568 RE: cooler_heads #320563

Citi got a smoking deal explained well here.

I'd like to know who made them the deal and at what point in time.

It's plain criminal activity by the fed, treasury, or someone.

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11/11/15 4:37 PM

#320569 RE: cooler_heads #320563

Unlike J. Timothy Howard, Jamie Dimon didn't hide behind a self-presumed veil of sweetness and light and throw everyone else under the bus, costing JPM shareholders a huge chunk of $100M in legal defense funds. Dimon chose to make no excuses. He behaved like a MAN. JPM agreed to the settlement, paid up and moved on.

Howard denied any involvement and got let off the hook, getting to keep all his prior bonuses. Right?

Nice work if you can get it. And then, later when the dust has settled, you can even rise from the ashes and become a critic and stand-up-guy promoting Fannie's "proud" history in housing, choosing to ignore the warts and shame of prior "issues" and biting the hand of the Feds that feed Fannie. To me, it's like watching Pete Rose try and rehabilitate himself on Fox Sports, starting with his shameful appearance on the All-Star game, where he masqueraded as a "friend of baseball" instead of just a money grubber trying to whitewash a sordid and shameful past so he could pursue a new broadcasting career. By the way, Pete Rose was never convicted of a criminal act. He was just identified as a DISGRACE.