GUI- it should could be a driver of delay ( sounds odd). But it collides with TSA's prior stated need for Next Gen ETD, which is what ISC delivered with the B-220.
I see a slight variation:
- TSA will totally replace all swab based / current ETD's with mostly ISC's
- TSA will roll into a flex layer via the hand held "E"...they can use that to augment other modalities, bolster certain high traffic checks, flex apply the "E" around the airport...but the con-ops and training will take some time.
I know this, if I am TSA Director: I want the "E" today! I want the best swab based ETD's on the line today. I want to know what I have to do to enable a walk thru total picture product that removes much of the human error potential and speeds thru put.
Instead, some bumpkin on the homeland hse cmttee is pushing the TSA to employ more dog teams. Dog teams are great during a war and or a crisis but if you really want to get TO IT, get the "E" in the field ASAP!