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06/13/16 11:03 AM

#49887 RE: Abaddon #48084

So, Mr. Hall has done lots to save this company and its shareholders with no benefits to himself and with loss of time and money to him.

This is to easy but here we go.......

1.) He gave back 150million shares that he did not have to give back. - Those shares where only given to him to allow the A/S to be high enough for Clarke to sell and not be an insider, the no revenue producing company known as EPA wasn't worth the 150 mill he should have given back more.
2.) He brought in other companies that were debt free that he and his wife owned or had other partners, that all had assets and he did not need to. - Ah yes the self dealing issues that gave the company zero value, riddle me this how do you place a value of $1 mill on a company with nothing?????? Those transaction would never hold up during a REAL audit. Also add up the shares that where to be issued to him I bet he got his 150 mill shares back
3) He has paid back debt that he did not incur. (BCAP) - No, no he didn;t
4.) Mr. Hall has not taking any money from the company, actually loaning the company money from his wife and himself personally. He loaned back money he received from the company read the financials its in there.
5.) Mr. Hall has not taking a salary from the company (C Level Executive pay with his experience would be a hefty Salary) He should pay the company for all the work he has done, and what was that work that benefited the shareholders again?

Like I said that was all to easy....