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11/08/15 8:20 AM

#40880 RE: dominicanmike #40879

Good point.

We can not even determine if Deep Blue is still a company, and the lack of information or for that matter acknowledgment of management is not promising.


11/08/15 11:40 AM

#40882 RE: dominicanmike #40879


Great post. Someone who wants the company to be able to move forward, yet is realistic as to what is going on and where the company is. As opposed to saying the DR is wrong, which they are, but not thinking anything the company is doing is wrong as well. I am more in line with your thoughts.

If you have people interested in a project, I think there are two options to look at. As you write - "Every other salvage company who worked here has gone off to other venues instead of crying over spilled milk. I'm certain if things change they will be back here in a heartbeat. But life must go on! Sitting around for a few years and waiting does not seem to be a viable business plan. " My first thought is that I think GME has proven that they wish to be in the DR, they can find treasure, they have a viable plan, they have sold some artifacts and plates to fund further diving and reward investors, and although now they are in FL working they are very hopeful of getting back to the DR if things change down there. I'd sure take a look at them, with what they have in assets and strengths, what they have accomplished the last few years since the DR, and the management team. They seem to be heads and shoulders above Wilf. Oh, speaking of management. DPBE has none. The CEO resigned years ago, and no one has replaced him. the company has never even announced that resignation, against SEC regulations that require it, and that I think would cause trouble if DPBE ever tried to come back to life. Of course though, right now they have no legal standing in the USA as a company anyway, having let their registration lapse, their registered agent resign without being replaced, their management resign meaning no one is legally in charge, and their place of business be terminated. Literally - they do not exist right now. A viable business plan? It looks like the DR screwed them over and they went out of business. Past tense, not potential future tense. They are legally out of business. The ONLY place ANY mention comes about this past tense company is here on this board. They are otherwise out of business, with no one doing or saying anything for the company. GME is not. So if you want to partner with someone, I think DPBE is not the best choice. Too many red flags. Second thought. As someone said, Billy and crew are ready to get back in the water. I have respect for Billy as a diver, and he knows a LOT about potential finds in the DR. That is the second option. However, I'd say you would contact Billy directly, as again - DPBE does not exist, and he is a free agent. He probably really needs the work, and hopefully you could use him if you moved forward with something in the future. Of course, all this is predicated on the DR changing their actions, but if it happens, I still see DPBE as not viable. Billy is viable, and an asset, but not DPBE. MY opinion. DPBE does things half way and not well. As you said "I've been to the museum with an eye on development when it was open, it was a joke. I was even invited and attended its grand opening. If you could tell me how that small little structure with loaned artifacts from the government cost all that money, I would love to hear the explanation. " I can't answer the money question, but the joke part is true. They do just enough to say they are doing it, but not enough to make it viable. It is Wilf's way, in my view of seeing what he has done. Just like he would pay Billy just enough to stop Billy from leaving, but not what was owed. Just enough. Always just enough. "Just enough" wasn't enough in many ways. the best thing I think they ever did was the food and supplies they brought down to the DR as relief, and I give them kudos for that move. Other than that, they seem to have always tried to skate by on the least, and their inaction of the past few years is the result of more than "just" the DR screwing them out of a division. Oh, and everyone else GOT their divisions after 2012. Not DPBE, but the others did. Some day maybe I'll tell you my opinion as to why. But others were receiving their divisions after DPBE was not, and I think that set a good precedent for the DR to then do it to all companies. Too much for this post though.

One other question you asked I think I can give a partial answer to. NO, I don't have all the answers. the difference is I don't pretend I DO. "What happened to the other divisions that we know Blum received? " I heard that he was giving coins away to investors that came to visit him, and that he gave other things away to them as well. Anyone who would stop in that owned any shares would get a gift for stopping by. That is some of it. Plus I was told much of what was received was at HIS HOUSE. The rest? I think it was pledged for new money and then taken. It was not sold to fund the company, like again GME did, and much of it was not used wisely, IMHO. If you can find the letters from Billy that were posted a long time ago, HE was the one screaming that Wilf needed to SELL some of these items to pay him and the crew. Some items were put on the website for sale. I tried twice to buy a coin. Both times the website did not allow me to finish my transaction. I went through the entire process until it tried to process the credit card to purchase. Then the system broke down and could not complete the transaction. I don't know if they were really for sale (or maybe no longer even in the company's possession or inventory) or what it was. The second time I CALLED the company and said flat out I wanted to buy a specific item listed there, and would do it on the phone. I could send a check. I was told the website would be fixed, and I could not buy it on the phone, as they did not know how to do it, and i needed to do it online. ODD!! I waited for it to be fixed, and then it was taken down and all the coins disappeared from the site. They never allowed the coins to be bought (At least in my experience) on the site. I heard someone say they bought a coin, so maybe a few sold, but I personally know the site said they were for sale but it was impossible to buy them!

That gives you more information. Not much positive stuff, but realistic at least. And positive that Billy is worth talking to if you put something together. As for DPBE. You can't contact them, as they no longer exist. You can contact Wilf, but he represents Wilf, and not DPBE, as he resigned from office numerous years ago, and the latest management team disappeared years ago too. No one is legally in charge of the company. Oops, I can't say "the company". That legally doesn't exist either. And if anyone wants to legally contact them, the required- by-law registered agent is also gone, so even the government can not legally contact DPBE to discuss the lack of following SEC regulations. It DOES NOT EXIST. I'd say talk to Billy, and talk to Bobby. Hope that helps.