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06/29/06 10:42 PM

#79222 RE: beam11 #79220

There were nods from a few. I think they feel the pressure to wean our company from Cornell. They now have a proposal that could be thrown on the table. Some of the legal/financial minds may be able to think of a doable plan.

For one I think that we could do this in a short time window so that we won't have to expense these rights. For example, let's say shareholders of record on 1 December get a right to buy shares between 10 January and 10 February of the following year. This way the rights expire and are not expensed at the end of a quarter. I don't have a plan, but if management is looking to raise cash two quarters out then they can plan some type of secondary offering like this.

I'll let the educated I-hub board members hash out a potential plan.