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06/29/06 8:27 PM

#29748 RE: chipdesigner #29746

What do you mean finally, I have been totally consistent all along completely unlike you ! I can't help it if you haven't got the brains to see that, that's your problem ;-). As to selling a position I haven't had in years yes yes I admit it it's all true I sold thousands and thousands of those imaginery AMD shares I am supposed to have and I got loads of imaginery monopoly money for them ! ;-) Happy now ? Can we return to reality now ? ;-) Btw this form of baiting might be considered a personal attack by some moderators but coming from you it's like a baby's toothless bite, lol ;-).


06/29/06 8:38 PM

#29749 RE: chipdesigner #29746

Consistency Doug. I know you may have *heard* of the word but here's a little example of it in action ;-).

Btw how are those Rev F quad-cores volumes pumping out ? Ooops sorry, you was pumping for the other side then, must forget all those garbage posts now musn't we ? ;-). After all, you have a brand new set of garbage posts and opinions now, just blue instead of green flavored ;-).