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$ B.M.F.$

11/03/15 3:14 PM

#5279 RE: Falacy #5278

Just got this email from the company

Hi Brandon,

Thank you for your email and for choosing to invest in the company. The answers to your questions will come with time, as you understand getting in early on a stock like this has an extremely large upside but with any merger there are also risks. At this time I cant give you any specifics with regards to our plan but I can assure you that we have a plan. The more important plan is growing Combo Hitters sales because as we both know that's how we will create an interest from investors. Please continue to bare with us as we eliminate toxic debt so that we can move forward in a manner that will generate long term profitability for the company and shareholders.

Mike Starkweather
Senior Partner
S5 Capital Group
(440) 258-2090