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11/03/15 2:41 PM

#16898 RE: Kurt Owen #16897

I guess you and I will find out together. I don't understand how it is even trading. Doesn't make sense. I imagine the fact that we know it wll go back to .0002 so thereticaly you could buy nine hundred billion shares and it will go up 100% BUT the bid never leaves .0001. If anyone could explain that to me I would be eternaly grateful


11/03/15 2:46 PM

#16899 RE: Kurt Owen #16897

No bid is no market and stuck. Scams can just ignore the SEC like it's doing now, without reporting. Eventually, and it could be 6 months too 2 years from now, it'll be delisted to the gray sheets, (stock grave yard) And, in the mean time they'll just move any assets private.
CEO liability? LOL. You've never heard of a corporate shield? Personal liability would have to pierce the shield, civil court class action or such and prove the liability goes beyond the course of business. Like, did CEO blow all the cash in cocaine? LOL. Blatant irresponsibility is not personal unless he blew the cash on himself. .

Check out this stinky, he blew all the cash, dumped billions of share, reverse split and did it again!.. And yet, now he owns the dam store, privately, that he sapped em for.

got away with it Scott free. Don't know exactly how he pulled it off B/C, I only watched em bleed and cry from time to time.