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11/02/15 10:29 PM

#40862 RE: nebula2012 #40861

"What Does It Become

When that train wreck peeking goes on for years and years and years...."

Actually ... the train wreck did not go on for years and years. It ended a few years ago. We are still discussing it here, but it ended years ago.

Over two years ago, the CEO of the company left, the registered agent of the company resigned and was not replaced (Which means the company is not a legal company) the company lost its office (Not a biggie in some ways, but yes inother ways), the company stopped all filings (Making it not a legal entity either)

Guys, we are fighting over a company that ALREADY IS DEAD. Just because we gab about it HERE doesn't make it a "company." The DR was partly to blame. That is true. What they did was wrong. That is absolutely true. But, the REASON we are dead may be because of the DR, but the fact still remains that it IS dead. Show me one requirement by law of a legal company that this company meets today. It fails all tests of a legal entity and no longer exists. Sorry to say it (unlike others) but it still is true. This company legally ended two years ago, and does not legally exist any more. Period. Say what you want, positive or negative, but this company does not exist. It could come back some day, or the shell might be bought for the losses it can carry forward which could be good to someone else, but this company legally ceased to exist quite some time ago. Give it a rest on arguing about it.