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11/02/15 4:08 PM

#142733 RE: mwins123 #142732

Apparently it is going deep!$


11/02/15 7:23 PM

#142734 RE: mwins123 #142732

July 30, 2014|by Erika Brown Ekiel



Kenneth “Hap” Klopp (Courtesy)

In 1968, Kenneth “Hap” Klopp acquiredThe North Face – then two small stores, one in San Francisco and one in the Old Barn at Stanford – and turned it into a global apparel business that he ran for 20 years. He also became the executive chairman of Cocona, a nanoparticle company that makes fibers, fabrics, and laminates for active apparel companies, and Obscura Digital, a digital communications business.