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11/02/15 2:33 PM

#31836 RE: Sparklefarkle #31834

So do I believe Farky or the Trial Court Judges? Is Mr. Iehab "Jobs-like" or a thief "looting" corporations?

In the Playsafe case (vs United Medical) the appellate court upheld the following statement from the trail court:

"In granting the motion, the trial court concluded that “the evidence that Hawatmeh and Nora abused the corporate structure of [PlaySafe] to, in effect, operate it as their personal bank account is overwhelming. They effectively looted the corporation by taking out more than $1 million in loans over a 13 month period rendering Play[S]afe effectively insolvent. Indeed, Play[S]afe had only been capitalized with a total of $700,000. The suggestion that these loans were approved by ‘independent directors’ is belied completely by the evidence.”

I will trust the Trial Court judges.

btw, the stock price has not been $.01 since 2009. Wishful thinking since Circ has no operations.


11/03/15 8:51 AM

#31840 RE: Sparklefarkle #31834

Good summary SF thanks, agree..
One thing though I had in mind when stating the obvious in that earlier post re anemic trading; is that there’s always’ a leak or constituent of those that play the long odds to cause a ripple. Pandle’s secretary’s filing clerk’s cousin’s father’s business partner’s son whom like’s to play the legal penny plays with drama and glamorous naked women, we’ll see if there are any material changes, not yet,..