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Dr. King Schultz

11/02/15 3:21 AM

#5446 RE: gappa2 #5445

Such "historical work" is complicated.

First it depends on the geologist which is creating the NI report.
IF and in what magnitude this old data can be used to calculate an NI compliant resource etimate. It is a personal opinion of the geologist.

How much data of those old drillings is available to SLTA?
Are old drill cores at hand (to be sent to lab again)?
Can the old drill holes be located on site?
How valid are the locations of that historic drill grid - today GPS locations are used.

Maybe some "infill drilling" is used to validate the historic drilling.
Or the old data is completely dismissed by the expert.

It's all speculation until the indipendant geologist has a first look and creates "recommendations" how to go forward...

Agreed, the board is currently not so aggressive as it was earlier. :)