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11/02/15 4:53 AM

#5306 RE: Stockminder #5305

So is Judge WallRat going to force the Thieves in posession to settle and give us the Stolen assets to us or we need to go to the Court of the Apeal and ask for a Jury Trial on our Merits of the case we have against them the Thieves in posession and their Criminals on the BOD?Is very easy for them to come to a solution for us.They first need to officially
1. Recognise the 450M$ in Equity Value in the SEC Fillings.
2.Bring back that amount of Value for our ANV SHares
3.Make a Shareholders meeting to Change the Criminals in the BOD

The Only thing we Promiss is that there will be no Criminal Charges for the BOD and Certain Hedge Funds on the IT and BK Fraud and Sec Fraud Claims we Have and can easily prove through very well Documented Facts against them.We are ready for Either the Fight or the Settelement Discussions.On the Thieves in Posession the Ball.
In the end thats the best way to save the Honour of the court and push for Some Sort of Justice for the ANV Shareholders and not let the Thieves in posession to land in Jail where they truly belong after all the Misdeeds they have done in the last year under the Leading of this Criminal BOD.I hope they understand that the Equity Committee and Add Hoc Committee arent the same thing.The first ones are thea leatches and the Fleas while the Second the Add Hoc Committee is the Hope and Best USA fighting spirit for Justice and Honesty.The Majority of the ANV Shareholders irregardless of the Equity Committee orientation to vote pro the POR under the Guidance of Masciti have vote in their majority Against the Plan akka POR of the Thieves in posession.Thanks God for people as B.Tuttle or J.Darga or S.Tachev or th Ad Hoc Committee leaders are bringing the case forward for us throug out their Sacrifices and Hard Work of everyday they make to achieve Succes for all of us.I urge every ANV Shareholder to suport this Fight and give their Suport to our case against the Thieves in POsession and this Malignant BOD.
To Equity Committee with John Connor and other Leaches in I say GFY bunch of Fleas people