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10/29/15 3:34 PM

#8023 RE: WallStreetReports101 #8022

I want to believe simply because I have invested in it. I find myself in the middle here. I too am an inventor and did something similar. I went to a trade show as an individual to see what my competition was doing and presenting. At the same time I made some great contacts. However, I am just one. I did not have a public company taking cash from individuals like us. I never tried to mislead anyone in order to take their cash and I surely never took a draw from some endless pot of money that just seems to keep coming. I would feel better if I could hear from someone that has actually seen the product or better yet hear from a potential buyer that is even interested.
I know Mr. “DD” is going to jump all over this but I go back to intellectual property. When (or if) this product is real, I would be very hush-hush as well. You know all the competition is on this message board. I do enjoy the back and forth though. It’s like free cable with all the drama here……


10/29/15 4:40 PM

#8027 RE: WallStreetReports101 #8022

Actually they do, with over 200,000 cards in the field. And with Master Card leading the charge, it will be a success. Now why do you think MC didn't go with SMME? Maybe because SMME sued MC - thinking - hey - we'll get their attention then they have to use our card? Very bad strategy from Chaya/Colin. You alienated the worlds largest card issuer. VISA is lockstep with MC. AMEX? Not after you sued MC - its an old boys club there. Or could it be Chaya yet again tried to steal an idea from another company, easy to raise money with a public company from uninformed investors, and continue this charade for over a decade?

I have seen the ZWIPE card in person and it working - seamlessly. Haven't seen SMME's card yet do anything. Actually, haven't seen it at all. Maybe non-disclosure means non-existent.