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10/28/15 8:26 PM

#13775 RE: roni911 #13767

You may have an interpretation of Carlos as you see it. But a lot of other things stem from a person that is no longer with the company.

Nevertheless the CEO is supposed to recognize this and take precautions or nip it in the bud should there be issues prior to them getting out of hand. So it is on Carlos for letting his finance guy run around making some of these deals. Whether good or bad. In such a small company, you do not have the excuse of saying too much is good on. Eye on the ball.

All this being said, I wish circumstances were different for you and the company. As runner up said, this is / was a great piece of technology that could have really changed the world. Now it will either be eaten up and thrown out or cobbled together in pieces and have some half &SS attempt at putting things back together. I almost feel now this can go the way of the electric car so long ago should this go south all the way.

At one of my startups, we designed something so revolutionary and simple it would have changed the semiconductor fans, increase throughout, yield etc etc. we had a real sh$tty sales guy that sold out first few products to a customer that didn't want it. But they sold it anyway all so he could make a dime. We showed our competitors what we did and they were baffled and tried to do it themselves. But they knew the team didn't have a good head and all they had to do was wait until the company selling a product to the wrong customer would just shrivel wasting money trying to clean up the mess.

The ip got eaten up and locked away. And so the fabs are still the same. As the gasoline cars were still the same when GM squashed the electric car. Think of where we could have been with 50+ years of development with electric cars. Only now we see it coming together.

I do have a smidgen of hope. But we can only guess where this is going.

Good luck all. I may still buy a dingy ... Just not our yacht.