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Aston Martin

10/29/15 4:02 PM

#12396 RE: bonehead41 #12394

Right, there are many unpleasant facts, but there also are some positive things. I intent to doubt that Plandai will not make any revenues. As there are partners which are existing obvioulsy and deal with Plandai, I also intent ot doubt that Plandai here and there release new partners just to get the price higher. PlPL management knows that this does not work anymore - so why should they release anything if the company shall be dead? Would not make any sense. Based on this I still can not state that there is 'nothing positive for shareholder'. We are not there yet!!!! Even a lot of unpleasant facts, true!

btw, 95% of pennystockshave sketchy IR companies - so this information is as old as a 100 year old oak. The same about some other things. Missing phone number is strnage, but I assume there is a reason , for examply they did miss to publish a new one. Otherwise....why still running the company but without a phone?
Not good but not really the real problem...........