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06/28/06 12:39 PM

#29640 RE: chipdesigner #29636

Margin calls, LOL. When you dream you sure dream ;-). Twas ever thus when you were an AMD fanboy and now you are an Intel one and you carry on spewing rubbish regardless. You by the way was predicting an AMD quad being in production now !

How come those idiots down in Sunnyvale can't seem to get a quad core demo ahead of Intel?

They've demoed privately for months already. They've announced they'll be giving a public demo along with Socket F. Which do you think is more important? Demos for OEMs or PR stunts?

AMD simply isn't as desperate as Intel. They can roll out QC from the moment Socket F launches, if they choose. Intel is stuck with their 2 x DC "quad core" hack job, putting on another benchmark-free blackbox "demo" for the press.

And, generally speaking, Intel is always making a big PR fuss over every little step they accomplish... "We've designed a 45nm SRAM!" "We've started building one!" "We've finished it!" "We took a picture of one!" etc., etc.

See Doug your long history of crap is there for all to see, now run along little troll ;-) You started with zero credibility and you have gone downhill since then ;-). I, on the other hand warned the AMD board in January before IDF just how good NGMA would be without the hindsight of benchmarks and with an accurate performance estimate. At about the same time you was still pumping for the Green side ;-). I'll let neutral readers judge on how this reflects on your integrity and character ;-).