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10/25/15 11:49 AM

#67443 RE: FroMagic #67442


I believe with his set-up it's perfect to do a Q&A from there
when they're ready, I know that he now knows this too,

If / when this ever happens, one of the many questions I would like to ask is why he is involved in DKGR... What is his goal, what does he want to get out of it and why,

One thing I have learned about being in these Penney Stocks all these years is to learn and know about who is behind the company,
thier history, integrity, etc.

I was in one right after katrina that I rode up to $750+k, stayed in it way too long and by the time I found out how much they diluted it came out the Owner and his Officers had met in prision. I finally bailed with $80k

Point is if anyone can find good background on Gene, Ken or whoever I think it would be a plus, if they're stand up guys
it sure would better our chances.

I thought seeing this live feed was at least a step in the right direction and opened up that closed door just a bit.... Which Investors do we have in NM that can run a field trip?