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10/22/15 10:08 PM

#25064 RE: w1104 #25062

I think a lot of people are anxiously holding their breath. The Liberal Party only had 34 seats out of 303 in the 2011 elections. Abysmal results.
Obviously a lot of people wanted a change in Government. But the results surprised more than even the majority that voted Liberal October 19,2015. 184/338 seats!

So on the cusp of change! On the verge of LEGALIZING CANNABIS! In our life times! It's Freaking Amazing!

Obviously there are many many more other pressing issues that Governments will always be hounded by, dogged down with as priority. But that doesn't negate the very important and significant change this will have to not criminalize Thousands of Canadians each year for not violent lifestyle choices.

This is a Democratic Liberal Policy. And that alone makes it all the worth while. I believe Mr. Trudeau understands that along with the significant tax revenue implications. Low estimates are in the Billions!

And nobody is Criminalized!

I think we're all secretly holding our breath and anxiously awaiting the day we can freely exhale our lungs filled with cannabis. Legally